Tips on Managing Cholesterol on Body
The liver makes cholesterol to be used in many important functions in the body. However the amount of cholesterol should be controlled, too much of it can cause problems.
It can lead to clogged arteries, kidney failure, and stroke. Managing cholesterol in the body can be done by altering your diet and taking supplements available. Here are tips on managing cholesterol in the body:
Focus On the Healthy Fats
A diet containing monounsaturated fats is good for weight loss and reduced levels of harmful LDL. Monounsaturated fat can reduce the oxidation of lipoproteins which leads to clogged arteries. Some sources of monounsaturated fats are; olive oil, avocado, almonds, canola oil, walnuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, and olives.
Omega-3 fatty acids are the type of polyunsaturated fat that is mainly found in seafood and is beneficial in the human body. Avoid foods that contain hydrogenated fats or trans fats, they increase the cholesterol levels in the body.
Exercise Regularly
Exercising regularly has so many benefits including weight loss and improving the general physical fitness of a person. Aerobic activities are meant to increase the heart rate by 75% and resistance training should be 50% of the maximum effort. The longer the duration of your training the greater the benefits. Any activities that get the heart rate to 85% increase the HDL levels and decrease LDL.
Aim to at least two and half hours of physical exercise in a week. You don’t need to go to the gym you can walk for a few kilometers, go for a swim or start with yoga. If you as overweight focus on exercises that will help you reduce weight and generally cut fat. Exercising and proper dieting is the best way for fast weight loss.
Eat Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber is found in plants and dissolves in water because humans can’t digest them. Fiber is commonly known to help in digestive health but it can also aid in improving cardiovascular health.
Foods rich in soluble fiber grabs cholesterol in the gut before it enters the bloodstream and lowers the bad cholesterol levels. Foods rich in soluble fiber include; chickpeas, lentils, kidney peas, quinoa, barley, oats, whole-grain bread, etc. You can also use fiber supplements like psyllium which is safe, cheap, and serves the same purpose as food.
Quit Smoking
You risk getting several heart diseases when you smoke, it changes how your body handles cholesterol. Most smoker’s immune cells fail to return cholesterol from the vessel wall to the blood for transport to the liver. The immune cells will therefore become dysfunctional and contribute to the development of clogged arteries.
Meanwhile, a study was done in Pacific Asia, smoking was linked to decreased HDL levels and increased total cholesterol. In smokers the only way to maintain cholesterol levels is to quit, it also reverses the harmful effects of smoking. Within three months to one year of quitting smoking your lung function and blood circulation will improve immensely. Your risk of heart diseases and blood pressure will be half that of a smoker.