Various Causes of Obesity
Unhealthy weight gain can be caused by several factors, including hereditary factors,social-economic factors, and lifestyle. Obesity can lead to severe medical problems like diabetes, heart conditions, depression, and others. Trying to shed the excess pound may sometimes be futile and discouraging. Luckily, those looking to lose weight can use weight loss supplements like biofit. It helps you lose pounds without necessarily working out. It is ideal for you to have a busy schedule that does not allow you enough time to workout. Or if you have been on a diet and have not seen any visible results.
Below are some of the cause of obesity :
Obesity has no age limit, and even young children can be overweight. However, older people are more likely to be obese. This is because your body is undergoing some hormonal changes, and you are less active than you were when you were much younger. Your muscle mass also reduces with age, and the fewer muscles you have, the lower your metabolism, which means more fats will be stored than consumed. It is best to watch what you eat as you start aging than ever before to avoid
Inadequate Sleep
Too much sleep or less of it can both cause obesity. When you do not get enough sleep, your body is sluggish and craves calories. This may cause you to crave more calories with less inactivity. When your body lacks energy, you may not be able to work out or be active as you should.
When you are under stress, your body releases cortisol. This is a hormone that levels the stress hormone in your body. Even though cortisol is essential in balancing pressure in your body, it is detrimental to your weight. Cortisol works by suppressing all other activities, including the digestive system in your body. This means that as long as you are under stress, your metabolism level will lower hence fewer calories will be burned and thus a possibility of weight
Poor Feeding Habits
One of the leading causes of obesity in America and the world today is a poor diet. Most people have a busy schedule that does allow them time to shop and prepare healthy meals, and thus, they tend to eat takeouts. Takeouts are convenient and affordable, but they contain saturated sugars, fats and are high in salt and sodium. A daily diet with this kind of content is an automatic weight gain recipe. If your diet is high in sugars, unhealthy fats, salts, and sodium. It may be impossible to lose weight regardless of how many workouts you put in daily.