Why You’re Getting a Drug Test & How to Beat It
Having to take a drug test usually means something good is stirring up like getting a new job or a promotion. However, it can also be as a result of wrongdoing like a post-accident or probation. Once or even twice, you’ve thought of cheating when taking a drug test. Or maybe you are just curious about how the drug tests work.
Before going to how to beat the drug tests, take a look at some of the reasons why you may undergo a drug test.
Before getting employed, a drug test is something universal. The test is usually part of the hiring process. The most common drug test that employers will choose is the urine test because it’s cheap and straightforward.
In the process of hiring, there are several drug tests you’ll take, as stated above. Well, likely you passed the initial drug screening. But remember if you are working your way up the job position ladder, you will have to take another drug test and you have to pass it. The same deal applies here-you’ll face a urine test.
In life, some things occur without being ready for them. One of these things is an accident. If you were in a crash that landed you in a hospital, you will take a drug test and most likely a blood test. The test is usually to help in clearing your name in case there are suspicions of you being responsible for the accident.
Probation will likely be as a result of suspicion or being part of a minor offense. Here, a urine test and even hair follicle test is what you will likely face. The good thing about these tests is that they are scheduled in advance; therefore, you have all the time you need for damage control.
Ways to Pass a Urine Drug Test
Here, you’ll get to know what you can do to beat a drug test. Ways you can achieve this include the following;
Diluting the Urine Sample
It means the urine sample contains a high amount of water content than the average amount. The goal of this is to minimize the levels of drugs visible in the urine. The most common way of dilution that people use is an addition of pure water directly to their urine sample.
Substituting the Urine
It is the only method of beating a drug test with a consistent rate of success. It happens when the person going for the urine test submits urine that does is not his or hers. One way to do this is by purchasing one of the best synthetic urine like xstream synthetic urine and submitting instead of yours. Other techniques include the use of synthetic urine, liquid urine, and urine from another person. The challenge to these methods is maintaining the urine at the required temperature.
Adulterating the Sample
An adulterated sample or specimen refers to a tampered urine sample. The tampering is achieved by the addition of certain chemicals to the urine sample. The substances will either interfere with the laboratory equipment used for test or mask the presence of drugs. However, the added compounds are easily detected, leading to the specimen being flagged as tainted.